Legal notice

Contact address

Planzer Transport AG
Lerzenstrasse 14
8953 Dietikon


Planzer Transport AG
Seewernstrasse 203
6423 Seewen SZ

Project management / Content

Planzer Support AG, Dietikon

Planzer Support AG, Dietikon
Design / Layout

Planzer Support AG, Dietikon


Planzer Support AG, Dietikon

Legal disclaimer

This website is intended to provide customers and interested persons with information. Access to the website, use of the website, and saving or archiving of transferred data is not guaranteed. We assume no liability for the correctness, accuracy, validity, reliability or completeness of the information contained herein. Furthermore, we assume no liability or responsibility for any errors, mistakes or consequences incurred as a result of the use of this website.

Any posts that include the name of the author solely represent the opinion of said author, which does not necessary correspond to the prevailing opinion of the company. We accept no responsibility whatsoever for the content of linked third-party websites, nor do we accept any responsibility for the compliance of the operators of said linked third-party websites with data protection laws and regulations.

This website and the content published on this website are protected by copyright unless otherwise indicated. The reproduction of any elements of this website requires written approval, obtained in advance, from the copyright holder. The content of this website may not be used for public or commercial purposes without prior written approval. Written approval must also be obtained in order to link to this website.